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Monica Bellucci

Monica Bellucci Biography

Monica Bellucci was born September 30, 1968 in the village of Citta di Castello, in Umbria, Italy. His father was the owner. Little is known about the years of growth.

Study after enrollment at the University of Perugia, law and order in 1987 at the age of 18 years, took to modeling to pay the school fees at their own pace. A year after his studies in the glow of the journey, life, fame beckoned, etc.(sub: Monica Bellucci).

Monica Bellucci moved to Milan, the Elite modeling agency to close. Monica Bellucci is one of the few Italian models to reach the top of his profession, but decided to study in the hope that the roles in the movies. Monica Bellucci appeared in international advertising campaigns for designers such as Dolce and Gabbana, where her modeling career flourished. (sub: Monica Bellucci).

Monica Bellucci debuted in 1990 picture film Vita Coi Figli. Monica Bellucci Francesca has starred in The Riffa, in 1991, and his American debut in the role of the wife of Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1992, Winona Ryder will play. (sub: Monica Bellucci).

Monica Bellucci series of Italian films, but was associated with a deficiency in the Italian film industry, frustrated in other countries to promote projects. Monica Bellucci starred opposite Ben Kingsley and Dominique Sanda in the American television movie Joseph 1995 to find work in French films. (sub: Monica Bellucci).

In 1996, Cesare Monica, French Academy Award for Best Young Actress in the movie The House aimed at those stars. After roles in more European films such as (sub: Monica Bellucci)..

The Last New Year, Los Aman This and the Mediterranean, but also played like a fish out of water. Your lucky dip lasting, and this film in the dark like Gene Hackman Suspicion, 2000. She appeared in a TV commercial in black and white Dolce and Gabbana. And the director Giuseppe Tornatore, who also took the film Malena in 2000, where she captivated audiences with her beauty and talent. Malena Monica Bellucci success with another international hit, Christophe Gans, the hybrid Pact des Loups (Brotherhood of the Wolf), 2002. He also starred in Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra, as the seductive Cleopatra. (sub: Monica Bellucci).

Soon after, Bruce Willis personally chose Monica Bellucci to a doctor who must save the humanitarian war zones in Nigeria hostile Rescue Day director Antoine Fuqua on training to get to 2001 games. She appeared alongside Keanu Reeves in The Matrix Reloaded, 1999, Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolution 2003, 2003. (sub: Monica Bellucci).

Although these stars and icons sensual height of his career, his dream of a dead letter: to work with Robert De Niro - Hollywood legend. (sub: Monica Bellucci).

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